What Causes Diabetes?

The major causes of diabetes are not yet very clear. Medical scientists still find mystery in it and that is the reason some people suffer from diabetes and some others are not suffering from this common disease. However, there are some factors that may have the chances to lead to diabetes. Here, in forthcoming paragraphs let’s see what causes diabetes and their risk factors.

Most of us have the doubt whether diabetes is inherited or not. The fact is – if diabetes runs in the family for many years than heredity is the culprit of diabetes. People who come from such type of family background have flat 25% history of developing diabetes. For instance, if diabetes woman carries twin babies there are chances either one of the twins may have diabetes or both have. To prevent the causing of the diabetes in child the mother needs to control the diabetes by maintaining the normal blood glucose level.

Diet is another culprit, which is responsible for diabetes. We all know the proverb “Too much of anything is good for nothing”. Related to that proverb too much of food stuffs enriched with proteins, carbohydrates and fats are very much harmful to the body.

Remember, to do vital functions or to produce strong energy, a body needs only the balanced diet. For instance, the pancreas does its role of insulin secretion but too much of any food factors prevent pancreas from doing its action properly. Insufficient insulin secretion raises the blood sugar level and this is what causes diabetes in diet.

People, who eat refined carbohydrate stuffs like breads, biscuits, chocolates, cakes, puddings, ice-creams, junk items like fried potatoes and other fried stuffs, have the high chances in getting diabetes.

Apart from that, too much of eating habit also leads to obesity, which is another major cause of diabetes. Remember, overweight or obesity has the potential to prevent the insulin to act properly in the body.

The real function of the insulin is to let the sugar in the blood to penetrate into the tissue cells and muscles. Fat in the body makes the tissue cells and muscles to resist insulin. As a result, it leads to high blood sugar level and this is what causes diabetes in obesity.

Virus infections also are potential to cause diabetes. One of the potential viruses is – Coxsackie B, which may infect pancreas and that leads to Beta B cells of Islets. With the result it impairs the tissues and that is what causes diabetes.

One of the common predisposing factors for diabetes is ageing. Generally, a person grow older especially above 45 years of age has many chances to develop diabetes.

Emotional stress is another cause of diabetes. In this busy life people having lot of stress in the form on anxiety, grief, death, worries and so on now-a-days. With the result, that leads to insufficient pancreas and it also have the potential to alter the blood sugar level that in turn causes diabetes finally.