What Is Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is one of the most common forms of diabetes. It is also known as the non-insulin diabetes and this type of diabetes which is found among 80% of people having diabetes. This type of diabetes is characterized by insulin deficiency and insulin resistance.

Type 2 diabetes also known as late onset diabetes does not produce adequate insulin in your body or the cells may resist the acceptance of insulin.

The food which we consume gets broken down into glucose and it is carried by the blood. This glucose is utilized by the cells to produce energy. But in a type 2 diabetes the body does not produce insulin or the produced insulin is not accepted by the cells. Without the help of insulin, the glucose cannot be utilized by the cells. In such a case, the glucose will mount in the blood instead of going into the cells. When the blood sugar level increases it may lead to two major troubles

  • Your body cells will starve for energy
  • High blood glucose levels will severely affect your kidneys, heart, eyes and nerves.

It may be really hard for anyone to digest the truth that they are being affected by diabetes. Though type 2 diabetes is a severe disease, you need not be panic. Through a proper diet and routine exercise you can live a long and healthy life. The disease can affect people of all age group and those who are having a family background of diabetes are more prone to this type of disease. Type 2 diabetes is widespread throughout the world.

Also people following an improper lifestyle like poor diet, low physical activity and having excess weight are having higher risk of being affected by type 2 diabetes.

Other risk factors of type 2 diabetes include

Age is a major risk factor, especially those who are over 45 years.
Those who are having high blood pressure and history of gestational diabetes are more prone to type 2 diabetes.
HDL cholesterol of less than 35 mg/dL

This type of diabetes remains silent for years and they don’t show off any symptoms. If you do have any symptoms then that may be so common such as

  • Blurred vision
  • Unquenched thirst
  • Increased appetite
  • Frequent urination
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent or slow-healing infections
  • Erectile dysfunction

Treatment for type 2 diabetics

The severity of this type of diabetes is more than type 1 diabetes. The aim of the treatment is to keep the blood sugar level under control and to prevent the diabetes-related complications.

The severity of Type 2 diabetes can cause

  • Kidney failure
  • Blindness
  • Heart related problems
  • Amputation of limbs

Type 2 diabetics have to follow strict diet and routine exercises to keep the blood glucose level under control. Insulin injections may not require in the initial stage