What Is The Normal Blood Sugar Level For Diabetes?

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes and all you need to know is how much of blood sugar level that needs to be in your body. When a doctor diagnoses you, they will give you all the information you need in order for you to make the right decision when you having problem with your blood sugar levels. Now, if you have no clue about your sugar levels in your body, you might want to check it out. Since there are two different types of diabetes, they each have their own levels of sugar that need to be in your body.

With type 1 diabetes, all you need to remember that this type is one that can’t produce enough insulin for your body to function. Even though your body has a hard time keeping up with the amount of sugar that needs to be in your system, you can take a shot of insulin to get the right amount into your body. If you have type 1 diabetes, your blood sugar level should be between 70 and 150 mg. If your blood sugar levels are above 150 mg, you would be considered to be hyperglycemic and if your sugar levels are below 70 regularly, then you are considered to be hypoglycemic.

The same thing goes for someone that has type 2 diabetes but the only thing that you need to keep in mind is that they can produce insulin but their body doesn’t use it like the body should. The levels are the same as far as to stay normal.

If your blood sugar levels are too high you could experience things like dizziness, blurred vision and you could send your body into shock because you have too much blood sugar levels in your body. These are serious symptoms due to high sugar levels in your blood. There are ways that you can do to get your blood sugar levels back under your control.

If your blood sugars reach chronic hyperglycemic, you can experience breathing problem, fatigue or tiredness, dry mouth, frequent hunger and constantly thirsty. These are the symptoms of diabetes and it will get to you if your blood sugar levels are abnormally high or low. Anyways, these are manageable if you monitor your glucose levels. All these things can be maintained if you know your normal sugar level in the blood and keep it under control by checking your glucose level using reliable diabetes blood sugar test kits every 2 to 3 hours.