Diabetic Test | Which Is The Most Reliable Test Kits?

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes and you need to get a kit to test your glucose level, there are a lot of them out there on the market today. There are tonnes that can test your blood sugar level without a single poke of needles or the drawing of blood from your body by any means. There’s only a few test kits that you can find on the market that requires a little blood to get the result. Some kits you can get involve your kidneys in order to test for diabetes. No matter what type of test you get, here are some reliable test kits that you might want to look into before you purchase the wrong kit that enable you to test it in your own home.

The first kit is Wavesense Presto System Kit that you can buy at any department store like Target or Wal-Mart. These kits are for sale for about $30 and it is also includes glucose tester that is powered by 2 batteries. Since this glucose meter is so small and only weights a quarter of a pound, you can take it anywhere you go and it’s able measures the amount of sugar in your blood by just a little poke to get a drop of your blood on a test strip that you put into the machine. It only takes a few seconds and you will get your reading. This machine is up to 98% accurate.

Another machine that you might want to consider is able to measure your blood sugar level. It is the Landmark hemoglobin A1c diabetes home test. This test is the same test that the doctor gives you in the clinic but one main difference is; you get to do the test at home. What you need to do is fill out the form first that comes with the test.After that you need to prick your finger and put 3 drops of blood on the special collection card and then mail the form and the card to their lab. You will get the results mailed to you in the same amount of time as the tests from the clinic. The accuracy is the same as the regular doctor’s office, which is 98 to 100%.

No matter what diabetic test you get, whether you get it from online or at the drug store; the main objective are to get the most accurate result so you will able to prevent or even reverse the disease before it become worst. And if you are diagnosed for diabetes, you need to maintain blood sugar level from excessively fall or rise. However, monitoring your blood sugar level may seems a hard task and we have it wrote at the next article.