The Information Of Diabetes Seizure – Can Diabetes Cause Seizure?

How can diabetes cause seizure? There’s a lot of question about this but before I go on here a fact about diabetes seizure. A common seizure is happen when the brain receiving signals simultaneously from the brain cells all at the same time. It is also believe that seizures may cause from head trauma, fever and illness. Meanwhile, it is cause by the excessively high or low blood sugar level. These conditions can lead to convulsion, coma, and even death. During this unfortunate event, the person was not aware of his/her surrounding.

What Is The Diabetes Seizure Symptoms?
It is one of the lesser known complications of diabetes. But the damage it could cause to the person with this type of seizure are way too risky for us to ignore. So, how do you spot this seizure among diabetics? Some diabetes seizure symptoms are similar with other kind of common seizure or epilepsy. It is likely that your muscles can twitch or jerk and tighten up and if the person happen to holds something, it is near impossible for you to remove it from their hand because the muscles slowly become rigid. Another common symptoms is body parts become numb and you may feel dizzy, sweating, tiredness and headache. And the answer for the question, can diabetes cause seizure is unfortunately yes.

Grand Mal Seizure Or Tonic Seizure
By the way, not all diabetes seizure having the same symptoms as above. Some are more likely appear like a grand mal seizure or commonly known as tonic seizure where the person may cry out, loss consciousness and convulse. This type of seizure are most familiar because it tend to occur with violent convulsions during some epileptic seizures.

Complex Partial Seizure
When a person experiencing complex partial seizure, he/she may appear clueless, confused, dazed and it is occur when excessive electrical brain activity causes impaired awareness and responsiveness and it makes the person the inability to respond as expected. Another type of seizure is petit mal where the person will having rapid blinking or few seconds of staring into space. This type of seizure can go unnoticed because it may look like the person having deep thought about something that only God knows why.

What Is Convulsions
A convulsion is an abnormal violent and involuntary or series of contractions of the muscles. It is occur when the brain cells become too active and disorganized in their electrical properties. Seizures that happen to be convulsion can be violent and cause long term injuries to the body. Normally, the person who happen to have convulsion will be uncontrollable and may have bitten off part of their tongue and in some cases, died from head trauma. It is best to know whether the person is high or low blood sugar. Precaution should be taken in this situation. Make sure you check the person with glucose meter. If the person is having high blood sugar, it is best to give him/her insulin to lower it. But, be extra careful and don’t give the wrong dose. And if the reading shows low on blood sugar, make sure you feed him/her with honey or sugar syrup to raise it. Please don’t feed the person with anything that may choke the person. Call 911 as soon as possible.

Night Time Diabetes Seizure
The phrase of night time diabetes seizure was a symptoms that often occur at the night when the blood sugar level drops or rises drastically. If you feeling uneasy or uncomfortable during your sleep, it is best to wake up and tell someone because you may having night time diabetes seizure. This type of seizure is difficult to detect but you may know it when you wake up in the morning and you found out that your bed is damp cause of night sweat and suffering from headache.

It is the end of the question about; can diabetes cause seizure and in the next article I am going to explain about the topic diet for diabetes and generally what is the proper diet plan for this disease.