Famous People with Diabetes

Diabetes is a kind of disease that can affect any person who’s careless about health and is not taking adequate actions to prevent problems from arising. So whether he/she is a celebrity, sports person, politician or a lay man, the disease can affect you in any case. It’s certainly believed that rich and famous people can get cured from every disease but the fact is many famous people with diabetes have been detected due to all the relevant reasons. One of the very famous reasons behind their diabetic health is stress full environment and tiring lifestyle. Complete relaxation of the mind and body are necessary for us.

Celebrities do not have time to look after themselves and maintain a relaxed atmosphere. They are surrounded by media and general people due to whom their entire schedule becomes very much stressful. Most of the famous people with diabetes have this as a common reason behind their problem. Alongside, one needs to maintain a regular plan for workout which is again not restricted for them. They do exert themselves but in other ways which might not be efficient enough to support their diabetic health. Adequate amount of both, exercise and nutrient rich diet are required to reduce the problem of diabetes.
Some very famous people with diabetes are listed below:

  1. Nick Jonas
  2. Halle Berry
  3. Jay Cutler
  4. Anne Rice
  5. Bret Michaels
  6. Patti Labelle
  7. Salma Hayek
  8. Randy Jackson
  9. Elliott Yamin
  10. Mike Huckabe
  11. Mary Tyler Moore

All these famous people with diabetes are striving just like you. In many cases, the cause behind the disease is said to be hereditary. Rather it is another common reason especially among famous people. Doesn’t matter whatever the reason might be, you need to start taking action and precautions for curing the problem sooner.
Few solutions that are being used by many famous people with diabetes:

  1. Keep a track over the diet schedule and maintain required amount of weight in the body. They generally use body mass index frequently for regular tracking and maintenance.
  2. Intake small meals after regular intervals instead of heavy food in one go.
  3. Efficient exercise schedule
  4. No smoking and alcohol
  5. Lesser or no such intake of coffee and tea or replacing both them by the intake of green tea or any other natural herbal tea.

Apart from them, various other methods and techniques have been adopted by famous people with diabetes for reducing their problems. Diabetes can create many problems and famous people are busy in other activities so they need to be really very careful while carrying their medicines and diet plans during their outdoor shoots and other activities. This makes them comfortable and free from diseases even while staying out. Actions with proper care and attention are required to be taken by every patient at right time so that you can save yourself from other problematic situations. Diseases can be cured only if the person is conscious about medicines and other related activities, without it, it might get difficult for them to get cured effectively.

Is There a Cure for Diabetes

Although the disease of diabetes mellitus somehow sounds like a terrible disease, it does not necessarily mean that there is no possible cure that exists in this world to cure help the people who suffer from this disease of diabetes mellitus.

A development that has recently been conducted by some scientists at a medical center that was located at Toronto has had stunning results, stunning enough even for the experts in the field.
The scientists claim that the nerve system happens to be the one that is in charge of triggering diabetes. This fact may lead further to a possible cure for diabetes, which has been a disease that has been attacking millions of people all around the world.
The scientists dare to claim so by counting on their experiments on mice which was proven becoming healthy again in just 24-hour time thanks to the compound given by the scientists in order to interfere with the effect of the reduced neurons that are contained in human pancreas.
Dr. Michael Salter, who is an expert at a hospital that focuses on sick children and happens to be one of the involved researchers as well, admitted that he was very surprised by the discovery he and his scientists team have made.

Although it seems that this could finally be a cure for those people who have been suffering from diabetes, the scientists warned that they dare not guarantee that this will also work for mankind. They mentioned the need to further study whether this will work for mankind or not. Yet, they are expecting the results to come out within a year or two. They also mentioned that the real possible cure for the diabetes which humans have been suffering for years may still take years to develop.
However, the team originating from the sick children hospital is somehow excited still and they expect this to be a start of finally developing the cure for human diabetes.
A doctor, who is an immunology expert in the hospital and the research leader as well, who is known as Dr. Hans Michael Dosch admitted that he, either, had never seen anything like that before this time.

Their study may expose a different view from now on about the diabetes type 1. This has always been considered the most severe kind of diabetes, and it often happens to children, was as a whole caused by the auto-immune reactions in the body. Or simply saying, the immune system of the patient works against itself.
Their discovery also expose new suggestions that there may be more things in common between the diabetes type 1 and diabetes type 2, more than what human and scientists have found out for all these years.
One main point in their discovery is that it is very likely that our nerve system plays a role as well in causing us to be vulnerable to this diabetes mellitus. In addition to that, our nerve system is also likely responsible for other kinds of inflammatory illnesses which are irreversible such as the disease of Crohn as well as asthma.
Yet, unknown to most of parts of the world, in Lawrence, Kansas, a family doctor who is in the age of 52 already has been giving treatment that cures diabetic patients and the doctor has done this since the year 1999.

Dr. Mary Vernon has been using an approach which other scientists in the rest of the world would have ignored in the 1930s. What is worse is that this remedy, which is of the Depression-era, has for sure violated the guidelines that had been designed by the American Diabetes Association.
Nevertheless, the treatment that she has been conducting for years has cured a lot of people who previously suffered from diabetes, even the type 2 of the diabetes mellitus. Every sufferer who walks into her office always walks out in healthy condition thanks to her curing. The American Diabetes Association had spent not less than the amount of $51 million to conduct research on diabetes and yet they never expect that this thing could possibly happen.

Dr. Vernon explained that her first treatment line was simply to remove the carbohydrates from the diets of her patients. She also added that this was also usually all that was necessary to reverse the symptom so that the patients would require no longer treatment or medication.
The approach applied by Dr. Vernon was a very simple yet a very controversial one. Nevertheless, her approach has cured a lot of people ever since the year 1999 and has proved that the approach actually works.

Physical Activity and Diabetes

A high blood sugar (glucose) is diabetes. Body needs glucose to gain energy but gaining too much of glucose is not good for health. Diabetes is an overwhelming disease and it is unavoidable when people reach certain point of time. The bond between physical activity and diet give the best result in maintaining diabetes.
Maintaining and taking care of the diabetes will help people to cut the risk problems of kidneys, eyes, legs, feet and teeth. Even the risks of heart attack and stroke are also preventable if a person controls the diabetes. It can control by three main things. They are – physical activities, healthy diet plan and proper medications. Here, in this article we are going to see about physical activity and diabetes.
Benefits of physical activities in diabetes:
Researches have proved that physical activities in diabetes have helped people in many ways.

  • Some of the best benefits of physical activity and diabetes are:
  • It decreases blood glucose and blood pressure.
  • It minimizes the bad cholesterol and maximizes the good cholesterol.
  • It helps the body to use insulin.
  • It minimizes the risks of stroke and heart diseases.
  • It keeps the bone and heart strong.
  • It makes the joints flexible.
  • It helps to lose weight.
  • It reduces the body fat.
  • It gives more energy.
  • It reduces the stress level.

Apart from that, these physical activities also play a great role particularly in preventing type II diabetes. A government study says that modest weight loss of five to seven percent have the potential to prevent type II diabetes.

Kinds of physical activities that help in diabetes

There are four major kinds of physical activities that help people in to cut or keep up diabetes. They are – being extra active everyday, doing aerobic exercises, doing stretches and performing strength training.

Right time and right Exercises

Choose the best time for exercise in a day to do exercise properly. People having type I diabetes are advisable not to do strenuous exercises especially when they have ketones in blood or urine because ketones make people sick and if they do exercises it will make them sicker.

Blood sugar is high but ketones are absent in type II diabetes. Moderate or light exercise will help to decrease blood sugar. This is how physical activity and diabetes having bond between them.
Before start a physical activity:
Diabetic People should consult with a doctor before they start their physical activity program. As doctor suggests the safe exercise that compete with the patients’ body. There are different types of exercises depend on the diseases like eyes problems, heart attacks, kidney disease, foot problems and so on.
Before starting a physical activity people should set some goals like – choosing the types of the activities they want to do, getting ready with the items and clothes they need for the exercise, adding the days and times of the activity, increasing the length of each session, planning the stretches and warm-ups, choosing the fresh air to walk and so on.

Performing these activities with the exercise buddy is more fun and enjoyable. This way physical activity and diabetes related with each other.

How Is Diabetes Lifestyle

Are you worried that getting diagnosed with diabetes is going to wreck your life, you are mistaken. You can live a normal life even though you have diabetes if you change your lifestyle just a little bit. There are many things that can change your life and diabetes is one of them because this disease, if not treated right, can bring even the toughest people down. You have nothing to worry about because a few simple changes, you will be back to a regular lifestyle in a matter of no time.

The things that you need to change can save your life because you have to change the food you eat and the fluids you drink. By changing your diet, you might be able to monitor your blood sugar and not to take shots of insulin. By going on the proper diabetic diet, you can keep your sugar levels normal and live a normal life. This is what everyone wants to do that suffers from diabetes that wants to live a happy and healthy life.

The thing about dealing with diabetes is that you need to make some changes to your life otherwise you could be struggling more with controlling your diabetes instead of helping it. Diabetes is no joke and there are a lot of people that are suffering from this disease and that are dying from it because they have not been properly shown how to use the insulin. There can be no cheating and enjoying things that are bad for you otherwise you can end up experiencing severe consequences. You can end up anywhere from being hospitalized to things turning fatal.

It is quite simple to live a happy life even if you happen to be diagnosed with diabetes. All that you need to do is follow a healthy diabetes lifestyle and you can enjoy a long happy life. Many overweight people who have followed this lifestyle have lessened their symptoms and many times got rid of their diabetes altogether. Finding yourself a support group to help you deal with your diabetes can be extremely helpful way to live the diabetes lifestyle very happily. You should also consider speaking with family and close friends that may be suffering from diabetes; this can be an enormous source of support. It may seem really awful to be diagnosed with diabetes however with help from loved ones you can enjoy your life to its fullest.

You might want to check our next article about the information of diabetes seizure following this question. Can diabetes cause seizure? Unfortunately, yes. In that article we are going to explain more so, check it out.