Cinnamon plays a great role by improving blood sugar level in diabetes. Cinnamon and diabetes have great connection and it has been proven in lot of studies. After undergoing too many researches these studies say that cinnamon is very much helpful in minimizing blood sugar levels in human in type II diabetes.
Role of glucose and insulin
Type I diabetes do not produce enough insulin and in type II diabetes the body can produce insulin but it has no sensitivity to insulin.
The sugars and starches in a food break down into blood sugar called as glucose. Insulin absorbs that glucose that circulates in the blood. Glucose may store as a fat or can used for energy.
Fluctuation in glucose and insulin cause diabetes. For instance, if a body lost its sensitivity to insulin or fail to produce insulin (type I diabetes) and that will increase the glucose levels. As a result, that will remain in the blood for long time.
This increased glucose lead to many health problems like eyes problem, kidney disease, heart attack and other health associated problems. This is the process of glucose and insulin.
Studies and researches
Now let’s see how cinnamon and diabetes related with this process. Researches have proved that a special substance in cinnamon has the potential to cut blood sugar levels in people who have type II diabetes. Actually the substance in cinnamon improves glucose metabolism and insulin and that reveres insulin resistance.
Lots of cinnamon and diabetes products are available in market these days. People should very much careful in choosing the right one because there are some cinnamon products like MCHP, which is not the perfect cinnamon substance because it will not improve the blood sugar levels in type II diabetes.
Leading researches of diabetes believe that even one gram of cinnamon in a day has lot of benefits in type II diabetes. Apart from that, studies also prove that these Cinnamons have the potential to lower the blood sugar, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in type II diabetes.
In Pakistan, during the year 2003, a research had made of cinnamon with 60 people for type II diabetes. There are six groups of 10 people in each group. The first three groups undergone cinnamon capsules totaling one, three or six grams in a day and the next three groups undergone placebo capsules. They need to take this capsule three times in a day after meals.
Though all the groups showed good result, the leading result was those who undergone one gram cinnamon a day.
There are two types of cinnamon sold in United States they are – chinnamomum zeylanicum nees and cinnamomum cassia (L.) blume. According to this Pakistan study, the most common among these two cinnamons is cinnamomum cassia and the study used only this particular cinnamon for research purpose.
The research has done been only with small amount of people and that became very much successful but the researchers are still confused whether it explores long-term benefits or not. Also, there is no proper evidence that cinnamon plays major role against type II diabetes. However, having more cinnamon along with the healthy lifestyle will not cause any harmful effects or side effects. Thus, cinnamon and diabetes related with each others.