How Do You Know You Have Diabetes?

Like any other disease, in the beginning stages, diabetes has no symptoms or has very mild symptoms or common symptoms that are very difficult to diagnose. These mild symptoms will not develop rapidly. In fact, they develop gradually — that is the reason we are not able to notice them.

Just because of this reason, it is advisable for people who are 40 or above to do the screening blood tests or pre-diabetes at least once in three years. If the people are overweight fewer than forty also advised to take these types of tests.

One of the main symptoms of the diabetes is having excessive thirst. People have the feeling that they can never quench their thirst. If a people notice this type of symptoms suddenly then it is advisable to take the possible tests as soon as possible. Remember prevention is always better tan cure.

Due to unquenchable thirst people drink plenty of water. With the result that leads to frequent urination, which is another major symptom or sign of diabetes. Note, especially this frequent urination happens mostly during night times and not day times.

Apart from unquenchable thirst and frequent urination people may have the symptoms of extreme hunger suddenly. If a person happen to feel this unusual hunger then it is advisable to pay proper attention as it is also the major symptom of this diabetes, especially if they feel hungry after few minutes of eating horse.

People feel extremely tired all the times as diabetes lead to fatigue. So, it is always advisable to pay proper attention to increased fatigue.

Irritability is another symptom of diabetes. Here, irritability means not the normal irritability that comes from stress or tired. It is a constant irritability without any clear reason. Encounter this situation also recommended to take proper attention.

You know diabetes has all the possibility to affect the clear vision. If people meet blurry vision or sudden vision changes it is advisable to go to doctor immediately. People need to take further possible tests to diagnose whether it causes by diabetes or some other reason.

Unexpected or unusual or abnormal weight loss is also another major symptom of diabetes. Apart from that sores that are slow to heal or recover is also the possible symptom and getting more infections than usual like urinary tract infections are some of the potential reasons of diabetic symptoms.