Information About Type 1 Diabetes

Type I diabetes is a disease that occurs when the body’s immune system attacks the beta cells. These cells that are found in the pancreas are responsible for producing insulin. Our immune system is responsible of fighting bacteria and viruses that cause sickness. In type 1 diabetes, the immune system attacks cells causing deficiency of the insulin producing hormones. Insulin is essential in moving nutrients in our body for a source of energy. This can enable us to function well. The amount of sugar entering the cells is usually controlled but with type 1 diabetes things can go out of hand.

For people who are suffering from type 1 diabetes, sugar are not transported that can starve the cells causing to lose body functions. Aside from high sugar level, there are things that could happen like dehydration. Build up of sugar can cause us to urinate frequently because kidneys lose glucose. People who have diabetes type 1 undergo tremendous amount of weight loss because amount of calories that were lost. Ketoacidosis can also develop that is life threatening in nature. It is a combination of excess sugar, dehydration and acid build up. After awhile, high sugar levels can damage the body. It can harden large arteries that may lead to heart attack.

Everyone no matter what their age is can suffer from type 1 diabetes. Fortunately only small percentage of the population is affected. The factors that can lead to diabetes are unknown and it is inherited. The environment plays a huge role in triggering this disease. There could be a virus that can attack the pancreas therefore destroying the beta cells that produce insulin. Autoantibodies are often seen in people with type 1 diabetes. There are other autoimmune diseases like hyperthyroidism that can occur at the same time.

The symptoms of type 1 diabetes can be severe at times. It include heightened thirst, increased hunger, dry mouth, nausea, pain in the abdomen, sudden weight loss, tired feeling, blurred vision and hard time to breathe. After knowing the symptoms and if you think of having type 1 diabetes, it is best to seek the help of a health care provider. You would undergo tests that can check for abnormalities in the blood or have urine exam to look for glucose. The bad news is that there are no tests that can prevent type 1 diabetes.

People who are affected with this condition may have a healthy and long life. Monitoring and keeping your blood sugar in normal level can be a way to prevent type 1 diabetes. This could be done by watching your diet, exercise and insulin therapy. Insulin injections are one way to control blood sugar. There are a lot of things that could happen if type 1 diabetes isn’t cured. Retinopathy is an eye problem that occurs while having type 1 diabetes. The risk for kidney damage also increases because of this problem. It could get worst that can lead complete failure of kidney and heart disease. Type 1 diabetes can also damage the nerves in the feet. People with this condition are advised to avoid wounds, sores and injury in this area.