Symptoms of Adult Diabetes

Diabetes is now found in all age groups of people – children, young, adult and old age people. Symptoms of diabetes should be recognized and treated well because they can sometimes be life-threatening.
Diabetes is dependent on the production of insulin by the pancreas in the body. There is an increase in the level of blood sugar when the production of insulin reduces than the required or stops.
Diabetes found in the adults is usually Type 2. In the early stages of Type 2 diabetes, the pancreas become incapable of generating the insulin and so the glucose which is very essential for all the physical activities of the body does not convert into energy. It keeps on depositing in the blood which causes major symptoms of adult diabetes.
The symptoms of adult diabetes found are fatigue or tiredness, frequent urination specifically in the night times, upset stomach due to which person experiences vomiting and nausea. The women suffering from this type of diabetes have disturbance in the menstrual cycle. If the diabetes is left untreated for prolong period, then a person may feel itchy sensations in the toes as well as fingers. There are chances of getting problems in the blood circulation in the body. The other symptoms of diabetes experienced by adults include weakness in men, frequent thirst, increase in the appetite and infections taking long time to heal.

If one wants to know that he actually experiences the symptoms of diabetes, then he should opt for a blood test. The blood test known as fasting blood glucose test will indicate the level of glucose in the blood. If this level is higher than 126 mg/dl, then diabetes is detected. A person diagnosed with high blood sugar level should immediately consult the doctor in order to control the sugar levels in the blood. Immediate treatment regarding the diabetes can maintain the blood sugar level as well as provide relief from the symptoms of adult diabetes. The long term complications can be prevented which may cause kidney failure or severe heart disease.

You can improve the condition of diabetes by doing regular exercises, improvements in your diet and weight management. The glucose levels can be determined from the blood samples by using the random glucose test and fasting glucose test. In the random glucose test, the glucose levels are detected randomly from two incidences. If the result obtained is above 11.1 mol per liter, then there is possibility of diabetes. In the fasting glucose test, the glucose levels are measured from the blood samples taken after lunch. The diabetes is detected if the result is above 7.0 mol per liter.

If the results obtained are unclear from the above mentioned tests, then the doctor can advice for the glucose tolerance test. In this test, you will be given a glucose drink which contains about 75 grams of glucose as it is the standard amount. If the result obtained from this test shows the glucose level above 11.1 mol per liter, then you are a diabetic patient whereas, there is nothing to worry about if the level is below 7.8 mol per liter.

Symptoms of Diabetes

Diabetes is considered to be a silent killer which enters into your life without any signs in the initial stage. It is a chronic disease which generally affects people of the middle age and the old age group. In rare cases, diabetes can affect the kids. This disorder happens due to a dysfunction of the endocrine system. It becomes very necessary to have the knowledge about the symptoms of diabetes in order to prevent yourself from getting into contract with it.

There are two types of diabetes — type 1 and type 2. In the first type, the production of insulin gets stopped in the patient’s body, and is found even in children. In the second type of diabetes, even though the insulin generation is proper in the body, the sugar or glucose level in the blood is uncontrollable. This type of diabetes is more to happen in adults. Due to this, the blood sugar does not get reduced even with the help of insulin. In pregnant women, the type of diabetes found is known as gestational diabetes.

One of the common symptoms of diabetes is known as the triple “P” syndrome. In this, the first P is for Polyurea in which the patient experiences frequent urination in short intervals of time. The second P stands for Polydipsia meaning frequent thirstiness and excessive drinking of water at very short intervals. The last P is for polyphagia meaning frequent hunger. The patient gets hungry in a short period after the meal.

Other symptoms of diabetes include lack of stamina, swelling of the face, weight loss, frequent sweating and fatigue. If you experience sudden weight loss of your body without any changes in your diet, then this can be a symptom of diabetes. Moreover, the immune system of the body is lowered due to which the cells try breaking the muscles of various body parts in order to get the energy. Due to this, there is loss of weight as well as high risk of getting infected by any fungal or bacterial infections. There are sometimes problems in the healing process in which even a small wound can take a long time to get recovered. One of the other common symptoms found is the blurry vision or there may be spots in the visual part.

These symptoms of diabetes are caused due to increase in the level of blood glucose which does not get completely processed by the insulin of the body. Due to this, there is deposition of the glucose in the body which increases the thirst. Drinking more water can help in diluting the extra glucose of the body. Insulin is a hormone secreted from the pancreas whose function is to absorb the extra glucose present in the body.

With diabetes being a deadly disease, it is very necessary to take precautions against the above mentioned symptoms of diabetes right from its early stage. When the complications in the diabetes are found, then it can cause various diseases in different parts of the body like kidneys, eyes, nervous system which can make the situation more crucial.

Type 2 Diabetes Diets

There are two types of diabetes. They are type one and type two. Children are the main victims of type I diabetes and adults are the victims of type II diabetes. Obesity, lack of exercise, poor diet and so on are the major causes for of type two diabetes. While treating type II diabetes proper type II diabetes diets play great role in that.

Resistance of insulin is the main cause of type II diabetes. Insulin packs muscles with glucose (sugar) that help to decrease blood sugar levels. If insulin resistance occurs the muscles are not able to absorb sugar and that lead to high blood sugar levels. This is the process of type II diabetes. Type II diabetes diets control the insulin levels. With the result these controlled insulin levels keep the blood sugar levels normal.

Food rich in carbohydrates has the potential to convert into sugar in the body and insulin supports them to build energy in muscles. People suffering from type II diabetes must intake type II diabetes diets with carbohydrates because these carbohydrates provide energy for long-term. At this point of time muscles are not in need of excess of insulin as it already has the better chance to absorb glucose with the help of carbohydrates.

Some of the potential complex carbohydrates are – sprouted or whole grains legumes and breads, vegetables and so on. Foods enriched with fiber also have the chances to control diabetes. Individuals having type II diabetes should cut down simple sugars such as fruit juice, candy, and sweet soda-pop and so on from their diets.

People suffering from type II diabetes should pay proper attention on unsaturated and saturated fats on food labels. Make sure take the saturated fat that consists of less than seven percent of total caloric value. Usually, saturated fat is solid in room temperature that contributes to high cholesterol.

People of type II diabetes can often take unsaturated fats. Oils, fish, seeds and nuts are rich in Omega unsaturated fats. To avoid bingeing people can eat handful of nuts before meal. Try to add tuna and salmon every day as much as possible. Another advantage of this unsaturated fat is it prevents people from eating full. That in turn prevents obesity or overweight, which is the major cause of type II diabetes.

Sensitivity of insulin can restored with modest weight loss. Even the little changes like 10 to 15 lbs can make potential difference. Combination of proper exercises and type II diabetes diets pave way to healthy weight loss that in turn have the potential to decrease high blood sugar levels.

As a conclusion, diets with carbohydrates are very much effective in preventing type II diabetes but at the same time it is not advisable to avoid carbohydrates entirely. In short, type II diabetes people should avoid simple carbohydrate and add complex carbohydrates. Proteins can consume as lean as possible. These are just the general views of type II diabetes diets, for further details you need to get help from local dietitian.

What Causes Diabetes?

The major causes of diabetes are not yet very clear. Medical scientists still find mystery in it and that is the reason some people suffer from diabetes and some others are not suffering from this common disease. However, there are some factors that may have the chances to lead to diabetes. Here, in forthcoming paragraphs let’s see what causes diabetes and their risk factors.

Most of us have the doubt whether diabetes is inherited or not. The fact is – if diabetes runs in the family for many years than heredity is the culprit of diabetes. People who come from such type of family background have flat 25% history of developing diabetes. For instance, if diabetes woman carries twin babies there are chances either one of the twins may have diabetes or both have. To prevent the causing of the diabetes in child the mother needs to control the diabetes by maintaining the normal blood glucose level.

Diet is another culprit, which is responsible for diabetes. We all know the proverb “Too much of anything is good for nothing”. Related to that proverb too much of food stuffs enriched with proteins, carbohydrates and fats are very much harmful to the body.

Remember, to do vital functions or to produce strong energy, a body needs only the balanced diet. For instance, the pancreas does its role of insulin secretion but too much of any food factors prevent pancreas from doing its action properly. Insufficient insulin secretion raises the blood sugar level and this is what causes diabetes in diet.

People, who eat refined carbohydrate stuffs like breads, biscuits, chocolates, cakes, puddings, ice-creams, junk items like fried potatoes and other fried stuffs, have the high chances in getting diabetes.

Apart from that, too much of eating habit also leads to obesity, which is another major cause of diabetes. Remember, overweight or obesity has the potential to prevent the insulin to act properly in the body.

The real function of the insulin is to let the sugar in the blood to penetrate into the tissue cells and muscles. Fat in the body makes the tissue cells and muscles to resist insulin. As a result, it leads to high blood sugar level and this is what causes diabetes in obesity.

Virus infections also are potential to cause diabetes. One of the potential viruses is – Coxsackie B, which may infect pancreas and that leads to Beta B cells of Islets. With the result it impairs the tissues and that is what causes diabetes.

One of the common predisposing factors for diabetes is ageing. Generally, a person grow older especially above 45 years of age has many chances to develop diabetes.

Emotional stress is another cause of diabetes. In this busy life people having lot of stress in the form on anxiety, grief, death, worries and so on now-a-days. With the result, that leads to insufficient pancreas and it also have the potential to alter the blood sugar level that in turn causes diabetes finally.

Who Discovered Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus did not come all of a sudden without any cause. Instead, it has come from Greek with the Greek word meaning of a siphon. A physician who originated from Greek and was well known with the name of Aretus the Cappadocian made up his mind to mention the condition with the name diabainein. It happened during the 2nd century A.D.

Aretus the Cappadocian attempted to make a description of the patients who were passing water in an excessive amount, or polyuria, like a siphon. How the Greek word came to diabetes was because the English speaking people adopted the word from the Medieval Latin which then turned out to be “diabetes”.
The term “mellitus” was given by the well known Thomas Willis not later by the year 1675. Yet, we commonly refer to the “diabetes mellitus” simply with “diabetes”, without mentioning the following “mellitus”.

Thomas Willis did not add the term “mellitus” for nothing. The reason that the Thomas Willis added the term “mellitus” is because the urine of the people who suffer from this diabetes mellitus does taste sweet. This is possible since they possess too much glucose in their blood which is not absorbable by the cells in their blood, resulting in excessive glucose which comes out along with the urine making it taste sweet.
The word mellitus itself derives from the Latin word “Mel”. Honey is what is the word attempts to represent. The people who suffer from this disease of diabetes mellitus possess excessive amount of glucose in their blood that makes their urine feel sweet. There might be a probability that the people at the old times did test the urine of the people who suffered from diabetes mellitus diseases so that they were able to say that the urine of the people was sweet. Then, the word diabetes mellitus itself could possibly mean that the people who suffer from diabetes mellitus siphon off sweet water.

In the old times China, people had been able to manage to observe that ants were somehow attracted to the urine of the people who suffered from the diabetes mellitus. It was very possible that it was due to the fact that the urine was sweet. They then started mentioning the disease with the name “Sweet Urine Disease”.
In the year 1776 in England, there was a man who was known as Dr. Matthew Dobson wrote that the sweetness was caused by sugar. Then, in the year 1889, Oskar Minkowski along with Drs. J.V. Mering proved that they were able to give diabetes to animals by removing the pancreas of the animals.

Meanwhile, in the year 1900, Dr. Eugene Opie showed that this diabetes mellitus had an association with a group of cells in the pancreas that degenerated and decided to call it islets of Langerhans. Banting, along with Best, showed in the year 1992, that some kind of proteins that they had been able to extract from the pancreas which they call insulin could help in controlling diabetes.

Cinnamon and Diabetes

Cinnamon plays a great role by improving blood sugar level in diabetes. Cinnamon and diabetes have great connection and it has been proven in lot of studies. After undergoing too many researches these studies say that cinnamon is very much helpful in minimizing blood sugar levels in human in type II diabetes.

Role of glucose and insulin

Type I diabetes do not produce enough insulin and in type II diabetes the body can produce insulin but it has no sensitivity to insulin.
The sugars and starches in a food break down into blood sugar called as glucose. Insulin absorbs that glucose that circulates in the blood. Glucose may store as a fat or can used for energy.
Fluctuation in glucose and insulin cause diabetes. For instance, if a body lost its sensitivity to insulin or fail to produce insulin (type I diabetes) and that will increase the glucose levels. As a result, that will remain in the blood for long time.
This increased glucose lead to many health problems like eyes problem, kidney disease, heart attack and other health associated problems. This is the process of glucose and insulin.

Studies and researches

Now let’s see how cinnamon and diabetes related with this process. Researches have proved that a special substance in cinnamon has the potential to cut blood sugar levels in people who have type II diabetes. Actually the substance in cinnamon improves glucose metabolism and insulin and that reveres insulin resistance.
Lots of cinnamon and diabetes products are available in market these days. People should very much careful in choosing the right one because there are some cinnamon products like MCHP, which is not the perfect cinnamon substance because it will not improve the blood sugar levels in type II diabetes.

Leading researches of diabetes believe that even one gram of cinnamon in a day has lot of benefits in type II diabetes. Apart from that, studies also prove that these Cinnamons have the potential to lower the blood sugar, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in type II diabetes.

In Pakistan, during the year 2003, a research had made of cinnamon with 60 people for type II diabetes. There are six groups of 10 people in each group. The first three groups undergone cinnamon capsules totaling one, three or six grams in a day and the next three groups undergone placebo capsules. They need to take this capsule three times in a day after meals.

Though all the groups showed good result, the leading result was those who undergone one gram cinnamon a day.
There are two types of cinnamon sold in United States they are – chinnamomum zeylanicum nees and cinnamomum cassia (L.) blume. According to this Pakistan study, the most common among these two cinnamons is cinnamomum cassia and the study used only this particular cinnamon for research purpose.

The research has done been only with small amount of people and that became very much successful but the researchers are still confused whether it explores long-term benefits or not. Also, there is no proper evidence that cinnamon plays major role against type II diabetes. However, having more cinnamon along with the healthy lifestyle will not cause any harmful effects or side effects. Thus, cinnamon and diabetes related with each others.

Diabetes in Dogs

Most of the dog lovers are very much worried about diabetes in dogs. It is a devastating experience when they diagnose diabetes in their beloved family dog. Once they diagnosed the diabetes in their dogs they have too many doubts like whether their dog can live happily, is that possible for their dog to lead a normal life again and so on. Here, in this article let’s analyze all the possible questions and answers of diabetes in dogs.


Immune deviation of the beta cells in the pancreas is the most common reason for the diabetes in dogs. These beta cells play the responsible role in producing insulin. Immune deviation stops insulin from producing. Insulin resistance leads to diabetes, which is similar to type I diabetes in humans.
Apart from that other mild common causes are – drug-induced diabetes, genetic predisposition and diabetes secondary to pancreatitis.
People often misunderstand that obesity is one of the cause of diabetes in dogs. In fact it causes diabetes in cat and human related to type II diabetes not in dog exactly. However, dogs also need to manage weight to manage diabetes.


Typically, an increase in water consumption is one of the major symptoms of diabetes in dogs. Frequent urination and the increased volume of urination are also the major symptoms. Apart from that, a weight loss with the good appetite is the other symptom. Ironically, some dogs show the symptoms like decrease or lack of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, and lethargy are some of the other possible signs of diabetes in dogs.


Diagnose process of diabetes in dogs can done by checking the glucose (sugar) in urine and blood. Once the diabetes determined, injecting insulin is the best treatment for dogs. Consuming high fiber foods and complex carbohydrate foods also play great role in gaining insulin because it helps to support the glucose levels that had fluctuated throughout the day. At the same time simple sugars like semi-moist foods are not recommended.
Treatment needs special skills because the diabetic dog requires injection with the small needle regularly till it recovers from disease. So the owners must make themselves skillful to carry out this job. However, it is not the difficult task. Most of the owners can easily learn this art of skill during short training session with the technicians or with their pet doctors.
It is advisable to go for re-check up once in every four to six months after recovery. However, vet visits depend on the nature of the disease.

In case, if the diabetes dog is not well-treated the dog undergoes the state of starvation that leads to breakage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. With the result the break down of fats produce ketones. Remember, formations of the ketones make the dogs very much sick.
Well-controlled diabetes dogs are capable of healthy happy life but still there are chances for infections and other problems. In short, an owner should take proper care after the recovery of diabetes in dogs in order to prevent other major problems or side effects.

Famous People with Diabetes

Diabetes is a kind of disease that can affect any person who’s careless about health and is not taking adequate actions to prevent problems from arising. So whether he/she is a celebrity, sports person, politician or a lay man, the disease can affect you in any case. It’s certainly believed that rich and famous people can get cured from every disease but the fact is many famous people with diabetes have been detected due to all the relevant reasons. One of the very famous reasons behind their diabetic health is stress full environment and tiring lifestyle. Complete relaxation of the mind and body are necessary for us.

Celebrities do not have time to look after themselves and maintain a relaxed atmosphere. They are surrounded by media and general people due to whom their entire schedule becomes very much stressful. Most of the famous people with diabetes have this as a common reason behind their problem. Alongside, one needs to maintain a regular plan for workout which is again not restricted for them. They do exert themselves but in other ways which might not be efficient enough to support their diabetic health. Adequate amount of both, exercise and nutrient rich diet are required to reduce the problem of diabetes.
Some very famous people with diabetes are listed below:

  1. Nick Jonas
  2. Halle Berry
  3. Jay Cutler
  4. Anne Rice
  5. Bret Michaels
  6. Patti Labelle
  7. Salma Hayek
  8. Randy Jackson
  9. Elliott Yamin
  10. Mike Huckabe
  11. Mary Tyler Moore

All these famous people with diabetes are striving just like you. In many cases, the cause behind the disease is said to be hereditary. Rather it is another common reason especially among famous people. Doesn’t matter whatever the reason might be, you need to start taking action and precautions for curing the problem sooner.
Few solutions that are being used by many famous people with diabetes:

  1. Keep a track over the diet schedule and maintain required amount of weight in the body. They generally use body mass index frequently for regular tracking and maintenance.
  2. Intake small meals after regular intervals instead of heavy food in one go.
  3. Efficient exercise schedule
  4. No smoking and alcohol
  5. Lesser or no such intake of coffee and tea or replacing both them by the intake of green tea or any other natural herbal tea.

Apart from them, various other methods and techniques have been adopted by famous people with diabetes for reducing their problems. Diabetes can create many problems and famous people are busy in other activities so they need to be really very careful while carrying their medicines and diet plans during their outdoor shoots and other activities. This makes them comfortable and free from diseases even while staying out. Actions with proper care and attention are required to be taken by every patient at right time so that you can save yourself from other problematic situations. Diseases can be cured only if the person is conscious about medicines and other related activities, without it, it might get difficult for them to get cured effectively.

Is There a Cure for Diabetes

Although the disease of diabetes mellitus somehow sounds like a terrible disease, it does not necessarily mean that there is no possible cure that exists in this world to cure help the people who suffer from this disease of diabetes mellitus.

A development that has recently been conducted by some scientists at a medical center that was located at Toronto has had stunning results, stunning enough even for the experts in the field.
The scientists claim that the nerve system happens to be the one that is in charge of triggering diabetes. This fact may lead further to a possible cure for diabetes, which has been a disease that has been attacking millions of people all around the world.
The scientists dare to claim so by counting on their experiments on mice which was proven becoming healthy again in just 24-hour time thanks to the compound given by the scientists in order to interfere with the effect of the reduced neurons that are contained in human pancreas.
Dr. Michael Salter, who is an expert at a hospital that focuses on sick children and happens to be one of the involved researchers as well, admitted that he was very surprised by the discovery he and his scientists team have made.

Although it seems that this could finally be a cure for those people who have been suffering from diabetes, the scientists warned that they dare not guarantee that this will also work for mankind. They mentioned the need to further study whether this will work for mankind or not. Yet, they are expecting the results to come out within a year or two. They also mentioned that the real possible cure for the diabetes which humans have been suffering for years may still take years to develop.
However, the team originating from the sick children hospital is somehow excited still and they expect this to be a start of finally developing the cure for human diabetes.
A doctor, who is an immunology expert in the hospital and the research leader as well, who is known as Dr. Hans Michael Dosch admitted that he, either, had never seen anything like that before this time.

Their study may expose a different view from now on about the diabetes type 1. This has always been considered the most severe kind of diabetes, and it often happens to children, was as a whole caused by the auto-immune reactions in the body. Or simply saying, the immune system of the patient works against itself.
Their discovery also expose new suggestions that there may be more things in common between the diabetes type 1 and diabetes type 2, more than what human and scientists have found out for all these years.
One main point in their discovery is that it is very likely that our nerve system plays a role as well in causing us to be vulnerable to this diabetes mellitus. In addition to that, our nerve system is also likely responsible for other kinds of inflammatory illnesses which are irreversible such as the disease of Crohn as well as asthma.
Yet, unknown to most of parts of the world, in Lawrence, Kansas, a family doctor who is in the age of 52 already has been giving treatment that cures diabetic patients and the doctor has done this since the year 1999.

Dr. Mary Vernon has been using an approach which other scientists in the rest of the world would have ignored in the 1930s. What is worse is that this remedy, which is of the Depression-era, has for sure violated the guidelines that had been designed by the American Diabetes Association.
Nevertheless, the treatment that she has been conducting for years has cured a lot of people who previously suffered from diabetes, even the type 2 of the diabetes mellitus. Every sufferer who walks into her office always walks out in healthy condition thanks to her curing. The American Diabetes Association had spent not less than the amount of $51 million to conduct research on diabetes and yet they never expect that this thing could possibly happen.

Dr. Vernon explained that her first treatment line was simply to remove the carbohydrates from the diets of her patients. She also added that this was also usually all that was necessary to reverse the symptom so that the patients would require no longer treatment or medication.
The approach applied by Dr. Vernon was a very simple yet a very controversial one. Nevertheless, her approach has cured a lot of people ever since the year 1999 and has proved that the approach actually works.

Physical Activity and Diabetes

A high blood sugar (glucose) is diabetes. Body needs glucose to gain energy but gaining too much of glucose is not good for health. Diabetes is an overwhelming disease and it is unavoidable when people reach certain point of time. The bond between physical activity and diet give the best result in maintaining diabetes.
Maintaining and taking care of the diabetes will help people to cut the risk problems of kidneys, eyes, legs, feet and teeth. Even the risks of heart attack and stroke are also preventable if a person controls the diabetes. It can control by three main things. They are – physical activities, healthy diet plan and proper medications. Here, in this article we are going to see about physical activity and diabetes.
Benefits of physical activities in diabetes:
Researches have proved that physical activities in diabetes have helped people in many ways.

  • Some of the best benefits of physical activity and diabetes are:
  • It decreases blood glucose and blood pressure.
  • It minimizes the bad cholesterol and maximizes the good cholesterol.
  • It helps the body to use insulin.
  • It minimizes the risks of stroke and heart diseases.
  • It keeps the bone and heart strong.
  • It makes the joints flexible.
  • It helps to lose weight.
  • It reduces the body fat.
  • It gives more energy.
  • It reduces the stress level.

Apart from that, these physical activities also play a great role particularly in preventing type II diabetes. A government study says that modest weight loss of five to seven percent have the potential to prevent type II diabetes.

Kinds of physical activities that help in diabetes

There are four major kinds of physical activities that help people in to cut or keep up diabetes. They are – being extra active everyday, doing aerobic exercises, doing stretches and performing strength training.

Right time and right Exercises

Choose the best time for exercise in a day to do exercise properly. People having type I diabetes are advisable not to do strenuous exercises especially when they have ketones in blood or urine because ketones make people sick and if they do exercises it will make them sicker.

Blood sugar is high but ketones are absent in type II diabetes. Moderate or light exercise will help to decrease blood sugar. This is how physical activity and diabetes having bond between them.
Before start a physical activity:
Diabetic People should consult with a doctor before they start their physical activity program. As doctor suggests the safe exercise that compete with the patients’ body. There are different types of exercises depend on the diseases like eyes problems, heart attacks, kidney disease, foot problems and so on.
Before starting a physical activity people should set some goals like – choosing the types of the activities they want to do, getting ready with the items and clothes they need for the exercise, adding the days and times of the activity, increasing the length of each session, planning the stretches and warm-ups, choosing the fresh air to walk and so on.

Performing these activities with the exercise buddy is more fun and enjoyable. This way physical activity and diabetes related with each other.