Diabetes is a disease which occurs due to the metabolic disorder of the body. For a diabetic, the blood glucose level remains high and the body is unable to produce enough energy. There are three types of diabetes namely
- Type 1
- Type 2
- Gestational diabetes
You might have heard of the type 1 diabetes. So what kind of diabetes is type 1?
The food which we eat is broken down into glucose and is carried by the blood. Our cells use this glucose to produce energy and it is the fuel for our bodily functions. However the cells cannot utilize the glucose with the help of insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas. Insulin acts like a key for the cells to utilize the glucose.
For a type 1 diabetic the body produces little or no insulin which means the cells are unable to produce energy. It is because the immune system of a person destroys the beta cells in hi/her pancreas, which is responsible for the production of insulin. Sometimes the attack may be so severe that the cells cannot produce insulin in the future.
Of all the diabetics in the world, nearly 10-15% of them are having type 1. Type1 is also known as juvenile-onset diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes. As the name suggests type1/juvenile/childhood diabetes is the one which is mainly diagnosed during the childhood. However don’t remain as a laggard that type1 affects only youth. The disease is also diagnosed in adults however the ratio of infection is low when compared to the young people.
The cause of the disease still remains as a mystery for the scientists. It is believed that the heredity is the major risk factor of this disease. Also environmental factors such as virus infection, improper life style etc can trigger the onset of type 1 diabetes.
Since no one knows why this happens, it can’t be prevented and also there is no possible way to find out who are all will be affected by this disease. Once a person gets affected by this diabetes, he/she requires lifelong treatment. The type 1 diabetic patients have to use insulin injections several times a day in order to keep the blood glucose level under control. Insulin pumps also give better results against type 1 diabetes.
Symptoms of type 1 diabetes
The symptoms of type 1 diabetes may not be clear always and therefore a person can have diabetes without even knowing to him. This type of diabetes may develop suddenly or gradually.
Some of the common symptoms of type 1 diabetes are
- Frequent urination
Type1 diabetics urinate frequently as the kidney respond to high levels of blood glucose by eliminating the excess glucose through urine
- Abnormal thirst
Since large amount of fluid is flushed out in the form of urine, the person feels excess thirst.
- Weight loss
Despite of a good appetite, a type 1 diabetic loses his/her weight either suddenly or gradually.
- Fatigue
Since the body cells could not use the glucose, it starves for energy and the patient always remain fatigue.