Pathophysiology is a branch of science which deals with the physical, mechanical and biochemical changes occurring in the body due to a disease. Diabetes has been one of those diseases that brings a lot of pathophysiological changes in the body.
The pathophysiology of diabetes varies according to the symptoms as well as complexities involved in the types of diabetes. There are three types of diabetes so its pathophysiology differs accordingly.
Let’s have a look on the recent studies regarding the diabetes pathophysiology amongst the American people. It has been noticed that approximately 65% of the American population is suffering from overweight and about 1/4th of its population has been the victim of diabetes. Amongst several countries of the world, India ranks first, China at the second position and America ranks third with the maximum number of diabetic patients. From the research work, it has been found that the root cause of diabetes is obesity which is related to epidemic.
People who are born after 2000 are noticed to be having the risk of diabetes which contains 39% of the female population, 33% of male population out of which about 50% may be Hispanic women. As per the medical check up and scientific facts, the cardiovascular diseases are happened to be due to the cause of fatalities.
The pathophysiology of diabetes of the Type 1 is due to the various types of virus present in the environment, stressful life, disposition in the genes and the way the beta cells of the pancreas get affected which in turn affects the production of insulin. The current generation gets the deficiency of insulin from their parents who are already diabetic.
Due to various pathophysiological factors, the diabetes is commonly found even at the age of 10 to 14 years in the recent times. Moreover, the people suffering from diabetes Type 1 at young age are intended to get completely diabetic at the age of 30.
The diabetic patient suffering from Type 2 is resistant to insulin. So, for such patients, the pathophysiology of diabetes is due to the environmental changes. Due to this, the body weight of the person is increased and there is great deposition of fats in the body. The belly fat is considered to be one of the most harmful fats.
The diabetes occurring amongst the children is not due to the genes but, by the habits that they develop as they grow older as well as certain environmental changes. When obesity is found in the children at very young age, then several substances are produced in the body which resists the insulin. Due to this, there is constant deposition of fat bodies in the body at wrong places. Such statistics in today’s times is found in the age group of 10 to 20.
Thus, the parents who are much knowledgeable about such situations should take proper care of their children and do not pamper them with chocolates or sweets as they contain high amount of sugar level. Also, do not allow your children to spend most of their leisure time in playing video consoles as they will not provide physical exercises to the children.