Physical Activity and Diabetes

A high blood sugar (glucose) is diabetes. Body needs glucose to gain energy but gaining too much of glucose is not good for health. Diabetes is an overwhelming disease and it is unavoidable when people reach certain point of time. The bond between physical activity and diet give the best result in maintaining diabetes.
Maintaining and taking care of the diabetes will help people to cut the risk problems of kidneys, eyes, legs, feet and teeth. Even the risks of heart attack and stroke are also preventable if a person controls the diabetes. It can control by three main things. They are – physical activities, healthy diet plan and proper medications. Here, in this article we are going to see about physical activity and diabetes.
Benefits of physical activities in diabetes:
Researches have proved that physical activities in diabetes have helped people in many ways.

  • Some of the best benefits of physical activity and diabetes are:
  • It decreases blood glucose and blood pressure.
  • It minimizes the bad cholesterol and maximizes the good cholesterol.
  • It helps the body to use insulin.
  • It minimizes the risks of stroke and heart diseases.
  • It keeps the bone and heart strong.
  • It makes the joints flexible.
  • It helps to lose weight.
  • It reduces the body fat.
  • It gives more energy.
  • It reduces the stress level.

Apart from that, these physical activities also play a great role particularly in preventing type II diabetes. A government study says that modest weight loss of five to seven percent have the potential to prevent type II diabetes.

Kinds of physical activities that help in diabetes

There are four major kinds of physical activities that help people in to cut or keep up diabetes. They are – being extra active everyday, doing aerobic exercises, doing stretches and performing strength training.

Right time and right Exercises

Choose the best time for exercise in a day to do exercise properly. People having type I diabetes are advisable not to do strenuous exercises especially when they have ketones in blood or urine because ketones make people sick and if they do exercises it will make them sicker.

Blood sugar is high but ketones are absent in type II diabetes. Moderate or light exercise will help to decrease blood sugar. This is how physical activity and diabetes having bond between them.
Before start a physical activity:
Diabetic People should consult with a doctor before they start their physical activity program. As doctor suggests the safe exercise that compete with the patients’ body. There are different types of exercises depend on the diseases like eyes problems, heart attacks, kidney disease, foot problems and so on.
Before starting a physical activity people should set some goals like – choosing the types of the activities they want to do, getting ready with the items and clothes they need for the exercise, adding the days and times of the activity, increasing the length of each session, planning the stretches and warm-ups, choosing the fresh air to walk and so on.

Performing these activities with the exercise buddy is more fun and enjoyable. This way physical activity and diabetes related with each other.