Symptoms of Adult Diabetes

Diabetes is now found in all age groups of people – children, young, adult and old age people. Symptoms of diabetes should be recognized and treated well because they can sometimes be life-threatening.
Diabetes is dependent on the production of insulin by the pancreas in the body. There is an increase in the level of blood sugar when the production of insulin reduces than the required or stops.
Diabetes found in the adults is usually Type 2. In the early stages of Type 2 diabetes, the pancreas become incapable of generating the insulin and so the glucose which is very essential for all the physical activities of the body does not convert into energy. It keeps on depositing in the blood which causes major symptoms of adult diabetes.
The symptoms of adult diabetes found are fatigue or tiredness, frequent urination specifically in the night times, upset stomach due to which person experiences vomiting and nausea. The women suffering from this type of diabetes have disturbance in the menstrual cycle. If the diabetes is left untreated for prolong period, then a person may feel itchy sensations in the toes as well as fingers. There are chances of getting problems in the blood circulation in the body. The other symptoms of diabetes experienced by adults include weakness in men, frequent thirst, increase in the appetite and infections taking long time to heal.

If one wants to know that he actually experiences the symptoms of diabetes, then he should opt for a blood test. The blood test known as fasting blood glucose test will indicate the level of glucose in the blood. If this level is higher than 126 mg/dl, then diabetes is detected. A person diagnosed with high blood sugar level should immediately consult the doctor in order to control the sugar levels in the blood. Immediate treatment regarding the diabetes can maintain the blood sugar level as well as provide relief from the symptoms of adult diabetes. The long term complications can be prevented which may cause kidney failure or severe heart disease.

You can improve the condition of diabetes by doing regular exercises, improvements in your diet and weight management. The glucose levels can be determined from the blood samples by using the random glucose test and fasting glucose test. In the random glucose test, the glucose levels are detected randomly from two incidences. If the result obtained is above 11.1 mol per liter, then there is possibility of diabetes. In the fasting glucose test, the glucose levels are measured from the blood samples taken after lunch. The diabetes is detected if the result is above 7.0 mol per liter.

If the results obtained are unclear from the above mentioned tests, then the doctor can advice for the glucose tolerance test. In this test, you will be given a glucose drink which contains about 75 grams of glucose as it is the standard amount. If the result obtained from this test shows the glucose level above 11.1 mol per liter, then you are a diabetic patient whereas, there is nothing to worry about if the level is below 7.8 mol per liter.