Anyone who has diabetes are always advised to eat healthily and get balanced diet for your body. In fact, everyone should consider getting balanced diet in order to stay healthy.
You will have to pay more attention to your diet if you suffering from Type 1 Diabetes because it is important to meet your daily quota of vegetables and fruits while maintaining good quantity, timing and type of food being consumed.
We will observe and analyze the importance of how blood glucose level and food will affect release of insulin and diet in order to manage the Type 1 Diabetes.
The relation of carbohydrates, insulin and blood glucose:
Food with high amount of carbohydrate will affect the blood glucose level greatly. Some of the food includes rice, pasta, potatoes, cereals and breads.
These foods are usually processed by our digestive enzymes to create glucose. And the glucose will be absorbed into the bloodstream usually around 1 to 2 hours after meal, causing the blood glucose level to increase. Our body needs glucose to process them into energy or keep them for future usage. The body system for healthy individuals will not have the problem to produce the right amount of insulin to process the blood glucose. They will not have any problem to produce plenty of insulin after taking a heavy meal rich in carbohydrates.
The problem will occur for someone who has Type 1 Diabetes because the body will not produce insulin anymore. They’ll have to inject it themselves. You’ll have to know the right amount and timing so the blood glucose level will stay normal.
Complication will occur if you injected too little or too much insulin into your body because your blood sugar level will increase (hyperglycaemia) when too little insulin is injected. If it is too much, then the body will experience low blood glucose level causing (hypoglycemia) to occur.
That’s why people who have Type 1 Diabetes must observe the amount of food they’re taking and should give it a thought before they’re taking any meal.
Blood glucose level will largely depend on the type of foods being taken.
Each carbohydrate foods will need different amount of time to be digested and this causes each food to affect the blood glucose level differently. Some of them are digested rapidly while some might take longer to digest and absorbed into the bloodstream.
Many still believe that people who suffer diabetes should not eat sugar because it will increase the blood sugar level rapidly. You probably will find it a surprise because cornflakes produce more glucose when compared to sugar. We are advised not to eat too much sugar because it provides very little nutritional value and do not satisfy the appetite.
Table sugar is known as sucrose and contains two sugar molecules, known as fructose and glucose. These molecules are not easily absorbed because it needs to be processed by the digestive system before it is broken down into glucose.