There are two types of diabetes. They are type one and type two. Children are the main victims of type I diabetes and adults are the victims of type II diabetes. Obesity, lack of exercise, poor diet and so on are the major causes for of type two diabetes. While treating type II diabetes proper type II diabetes diets play great role in that.
Resistance of insulin is the main cause of type II diabetes. Insulin packs muscles with glucose (sugar) that help to decrease blood sugar levels. If insulin resistance occurs the muscles are not able to absorb sugar and that lead to high blood sugar levels. This is the process of type II diabetes. Type II diabetes diets control the insulin levels. With the result these controlled insulin levels keep the blood sugar levels normal.
Food rich in carbohydrates has the potential to convert into sugar in the body and insulin supports them to build energy in muscles. People suffering from type II diabetes must intake type II diabetes diets with carbohydrates because these carbohydrates provide energy for long-term. At this point of time muscles are not in need of excess of insulin as it already has the better chance to absorb glucose with the help of carbohydrates.
Some of the potential complex carbohydrates are – sprouted or whole grains legumes and breads, vegetables and so on. Foods enriched with fiber also have the chances to control diabetes. Individuals having type II diabetes should cut down simple sugars such as fruit juice, candy, and sweet soda-pop and so on from their diets.
People suffering from type II diabetes should pay proper attention on unsaturated and saturated fats on food labels. Make sure take the saturated fat that consists of less than seven percent of total caloric value. Usually, saturated fat is solid in room temperature that contributes to high cholesterol.
People of type II diabetes can often take unsaturated fats. Oils, fish, seeds and nuts are rich in Omega unsaturated fats. To avoid bingeing people can eat handful of nuts before meal. Try to add tuna and salmon every day as much as possible. Another advantage of this unsaturated fat is it prevents people from eating full. That in turn prevents obesity or overweight, which is the major cause of type II diabetes.
Sensitivity of insulin can restored with modest weight loss. Even the little changes like 10 to 15 lbs can make potential difference. Combination of proper exercises and type II diabetes diets pave way to healthy weight loss that in turn have the potential to decrease high blood sugar levels.
As a conclusion, diets with carbohydrates are very much effective in preventing type II diabetes but at the same time it is not advisable to avoid carbohydrates entirely. In short, type II diabetes people should avoid simple carbohydrate and add complex carbohydrates. Proteins can consume as lean as possible. These are just the general views of type II diabetes diets, for further details you need to get help from local dietitian.